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  Nr. 3380 de joi, 21 iulie 2005 
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roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 84.228.27...)
2005-07-21 17:12
A cincia explozie raportata chiar acum. Politzia verifica daca nu au fost folosite materiale chimice /ndc


Doro (...@yahoo.com, IP: 199.174.244...)
2005-07-21 18:24
Re: A cincia explozie raportata chiar acum. Politzia verifica daca nu au fost folosite materiale chimice /ndc

La 2005-07-21 17:12:41, roy a scris:

>  Ocupatia israiliana incita musulmanii iar voi vreti sa dovediti ca lupta a anceput fara sa amintiti nimic despre ocupatie. Cand se intampla ceva in europa toti veniti si va bucurati de parca voi luati parte la aceste atentate . 
>  > 

Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2005-07-21 18:37
Deci atentatele CIA / Mossad continua?

La 2005-07-21 17:12:41, roy a scris:

>  xxxx

Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2005-07-21 18:43
Re: A cincia explozie raportata chiar acum. Politzia verifica daca nu au fost folosite materiale chimice /ndc

La 2005-07-21 18:24:08, Doro a scris:

"Cand se intampla ceva in europa toti veniti si va bucurati de parca voi luati parte la aceste atentate . "

De fapt chiar asa e. Nu e clar!?

traktorist din SMT (...@aol.com, IP: 207.200.116...)
2005-07-21 18:46
Pune mina pe biblie !

La 2005-07-21 18:24:08, Doro a scris:

> La 2005-07-21 17:12:41, roy a scris:
> > 
> >  Ocupatia israiliana incita musulmanii iar voi vreti sa dovediti ca lupta a anceput fara sa amintiti nimic despre ocupatie. Cand se intampla ceva in europa toti veniti si va bucurati de parca voi luati parte la aceste atentate . 
> >  > 
Teritoriul " ocupat " .... westBank este JUDEEA. Este evreiasca de pe vremea cind mergea isus calare pe magaritza.
Arabii au venit in sec 7-lea si au ocupat teritorii pina in Spania ( daca nu stiai ! ). Palestinienii sint corcituri si ei sint genetic mai aproape de " romanasii " din Giulesti deci fata de arabi. Si au venit dupa arabi. Ceva din triburile Tshigani am avut si noi parte.

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 84.228.27...)
2005-07-21 19:01
Re: A cincia explozie raportata chiar acum. Politzia verifica daca nu au fost folosite materiale chimice /ndc

Dar in Algeria sau in Saudia cine ii incita, spetzialistule?

De unde stii ca eu ma bucur, unde am scris asta, bey cap de furnica?!
La 2005-07-21 18:24:08, Doro a scris:

> La 2005-07-21 17:12:41, roy a scris:
> > 
> >  Ocupatia israiliana incita musulmanii iar voi vreti sa dovediti ca lupta a anceput fara sa amintiti nimic despre ocupatie. Cand se intampla ceva in europa toti veniti si va bucurati de parca voi luati parte la aceste atentate . 
> >  > 

Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2005-07-21 19:16


We see in the London bombing the Mossad and their assorted affiliates trying to correct a particular problem that occurred for them on 9/11 and in Madrid. On 9/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos because there were no hijackers taped. On 3/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos because there were no bomb carrying passengers taped.

The logistics of the London bombing, including the type of explosive, placement, timing, and detonation were like Madrid, so once again, the CCTV videos could not record passengers carrying bombs because there were none. What to do?

If they followed the Madrid plan they would once again have to suppress the videos.

Why do they need videos?

They need videos to show “proof” of Muslim suicide bombers. Creating terror to blame on Muslims is the whole point. They could have used the same technique to blow the trains as they did in Madrid, but as they learned in Madrid, Muslims were not the first and only suspects. When you have more than one suspect it means investigation. Investigation is what you want to avoid.

They could not trust to chance that even thousands of hours of London Underground video would reveal a Muslim carrying a suspicious pack, who had also conveniently disappeared in the blast – and multiplied by three? No chance. What to do?

The initial idea was fairly simple: Get a video of four Muslims carrying packs. Place them in London a short time before the bombing, and then kill them all at the proper time. “Placing” in London does not necessarily have to be physical placement, just something that points to their having been there.

Then it gets complicated and someone might have regretted going to such trouble just to implicate Muslims quickly and surely, but on the bright side there was a new opportunity presented in being able to make a bomb factory connection in Leeds. But every new angle brings with it new complexities.

So Efraim Halevi spoke too soon. His operatives are not done yet. They run a great risk of exposing themselves and their operation as they scurry about trying to tie up loose ends, concoct new lies, cover their tracks, prevent real investigation, silence the media, and suppress real evidence.

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Sobru (...@yahoo.com, IP: 81.196.220...)
2005-07-21 19:45
Re: Pune mina pe biblie !

Aia din Biblie au plecat din Egipt, sa se intoarca in Egipt.
Auzi la el ce argumente aduce, biblia!

Golanul (...@sympatico.ca, IP: 192.75.80...)
2005-07-21 19:56
Zen: ai macar buna-cuviinta sa precizezi sursa teoriei conspiratiei pe care o publici. Sau te faci de ris? NDC

La 2005-07-21 19:16:50, Zen a scris:

> Enjoy:
> We see in the London bombing the Mossad and their assorted affiliates
> trying to correct a particular problem that occurred for them on 9/11
> and in Madrid. On 9/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos because
> there were no hijackers taped. On 3/11 they could not reveal the CCTV
> videos because there were no bomb carrying passengers taped.
> The logistics of the London bombing, including the type of explosive,
> placement, timing, and detonation were like Madrid, so once again,
> the CCTV videos could not record passengers carrying bombs because
> there were none. What to do?
> If they followed the Madrid plan they would once again have to
> suppress the videos.
> Why do they need videos?
> They need videos to show “proof” of Muslim suicide
> bombers. Creating terror to blame on Muslims is the whole point. They
> could have used the same technique to blow the trains as they did in
> Madrid, but as they learned in Madrid, Muslims were not the first and
> only suspects. When you have more than one suspect it means
> investigation. Investigation is what you want to avoid.
> They could not trust to chance that even thousands of hours of London
> Underground video would reveal a Muslim carrying a suspicious pack,
> who had also conveniently disappeared in the blast – and
> multiplied by three? No chance. What to do?
> The initial idea was fairly simple: Get a video of four Muslims
> carrying packs. Place them in London a short time before the bombing,
> and then kill them all at the proper time.
> “Placing” in London does not necessarily have to
> be physical placement, just something that points to their having
> been there.
> Then it gets complicated and someone might have regretted going to
> such trouble just to implicate Muslims quickly and surely, but on the
> bright side there was a new opportunity presented in being able to
> make a bomb factory connection in Leeds. But every new angle brings
> with it new complexities.
> So Efraim Halevi spoke too soon. His operatives are not done yet. They
> run a great risk of exposing themselves and their operation as they
> scurry about trying to tie up loose ends, concoct new lies, cover
> their tracks, prevent real investigation, silence the media, and
> suppress real evidence.
> Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
> The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
> The best lack all conviction, while the worst
> Are full of passionate intensity.

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 84.228.27...)
2005-07-21 19:56
Re: Roy

Bey Harap Alb,

De pe ce site musulman mananci kktul asta?

La 2005-07-21 19:16:50, Zen a scris:

> Enjoy:
> We see in the London bombing the Mossad and their assorted affiliates
> trying to correct a particular problem that occurred for them on 9/11
> and in Madrid. On 9/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos because
> there were no hijackers taped. On 3/11 they could not reveal the CCTV
> videos because there were no bomb carrying passengers taped.
> The logistics of the London bombing, including the type of explosive,
> placement, timing, and detonation were like Madrid, so once again,
> the CCTV videos could not record passengers carrying bombs because
> there were none. What to do?
> If they followed the Madrid plan they would once again have to
> suppress the videos.
> Why do they need videos?
> They need videos to show “proof” of Muslim suicide
> bombers. Creating terror to blame on Muslims is the whole point. They
> could have used the same technique to blow the trains as they did in
> Madrid, but as they learned in Madrid, Muslims were not the first and
> only suspects. When you have more than one suspect it means
> investigation. Investigation is what you want to avoid.
> They could not trust to chance that even thousands of hours of London
> Underground video would reveal a Muslim carrying a suspicious pack,
> who had also conveniently disappeared in the blast – and
> multiplied by three? No chance. What to do?
> The initial idea was fairly simple: Get a video of four Muslims
> carrying packs. Place them in London a short time before the bombing,
> and then kill them all at the proper time.
> “Placing” in London does not necessarily have to
> be physical placement, just something that points to their having
> been there.
> Then it gets complicated and someone might have regretted going to
> such trouble just to implicate Muslims quickly and surely, but on the
> bright side there was a new opportunity presented in being able to
> make a bomb factory connection in Leeds. But every new angle brings
> with it new complexities.
> So Efraim Halevi spoke too soon. His operatives are not done yet. They
> run a great risk of exposing themselves and their operation as they
> scurry about trying to tie up loose ends, concoct new lies, cover
> their tracks, prevent real investigation, silence the media, and
> suppress real evidence.
> Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
> The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
> The best lack all conviction, while the worst
> Are full of passionate intensity.

flachi din RO, USA si ce s-o mai adauga la echipa HTTP://PEROMANESTE.COM (...@gmail.com, IP: 69.149.119...)
2005-07-21 19:58
Re: Zen

Zen, citezi undeva cum ca: "On 9/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos " si vreau sa contrazic acest 'fapt'.

Ata, seful celor 19, a fost aratat pe multe posturi nationale in SUA cand se afla in holul aeroportului din Boston, inainte de imbarcare. Nu stiu care e situatia cu celelalte locatii/atentate insa nu te astepta sa vezi ceva de la Londra pe termen scurt chiar daca ar exista.

Cum spunea cineva aici, anglo-saxonii mai intai incearca sa dea de fundul povestii si dupa aceea trag concluzii. Tu daca ai avea faptasii pe banda, ai arata banda imediat dupa atacuri?

Intr-o ordine de idei putin diferita, uite cum au relatat astia azi povestea cu Mutu si deconspirarea acestuia de un traficant de droguri. Daca ne-ai da si sursa citatului tau am putea gandi cu mintile noastre...

La 2005-07-21 19:16:50, Zen a scris:

> Enjoy:
> We see in the London bombing the Mossad and their assorted affiliates
> trying to correct a particular problem that occurred for them on 9/11
> and in Madrid. On 9/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos because
> there were no hijackers taped. On 3/11 they could not reveal the CCTV
> videos because there were no bomb carrying passengers taped.
> The logistics of the London bombing, including the type of explosive,
> placement, timing, and detonation were like Madrid, so once again,
> the CCTV videos could not record passengers carrying bombs because
> there were none. What to do?
> If they followed the Madrid plan they would once again have to
> suppress the videos.
> Why do they need videos?
> They need videos to show “proof” of Muslim suicide
> bombers. Creating terror to blame on Muslims is the whole point. They
> could have used the same technique to blow the trains as they did in
> Madrid, but as they learned in Madrid, Muslims were not the first and
> only suspects. When you have more than one suspect it means
> investigation. Investigation is what you want to avoid.
> They could not trust to chance that even thousands of hours of London
> Underground video would reveal a Muslim carrying a suspicious pack,
> who had also conveniently disappeared in the blast – and
> multiplied by three? No chance. What to do?
> The initial idea was fairly simple: Get a video of four Muslims
> carrying packs. Place them in London a short time before the bombing,
> and then kill them all at the proper time.
> “Placing” in London does not necessarily have to
> be physical placement, just something that points to their having
> been there.
> Then it gets complicated and someone might have regretted going to
> such trouble just to implicate Muslims quickly and surely, but on the
> bright side there was a new opportunity presented in being able to
> make a bomb factory connection in Leeds. But every new angle brings
> with it new complexities.
> So Efraim Halevi spoke too soon. His operatives are not done yet. They
> run a great risk of exposing themselves and their operation as they
> scurry about trying to tie up loose ends, concoct new lies, cover
> their tracks, prevent real investigation, silence the media, and
> suppress real evidence.
> Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
> The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
> The best lack all conviction, while the worst
> Are full of passionate intensity.

Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2005-07-21 19:59
Re: Pune mina pe biblie !

Te pui cu "te-ncurci". Istorii a la SMT, Judetzul Chicago.

La 2005-07-21 19:45:49, Sobru a scris:

> Aia din Biblie au plecat din Egipt, sa se intoarca in Egipt.
> Auzi la el ce argumente aduce, biblia!

Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2005-07-21 21:11
Golanul-Ce te face sa crezi c-ar exista "o sursa" ?. Si de unde pana unde "teoria conspiratiei" ? NDC

La 2005-07-21 19:56:04, Golanul a scris:

> La 2005-07-21 19:16:50, Zen a scris:
> > Enjoy:
> > 
> > 
> > We see in the London bombing the Mossad and their assorted affiliates
> > trying to correct a particular problem that occurred for them on 9/11
> > and in Madrid. On 9/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos because
> > there were no hijackers taped. On 3/11 they could not reveal the CCTV
> > videos because there were no bomb carrying passengers taped.
> > 
> > The logistics of the London bombing, including the type of explosive,
> > placement, timing, and detonation were like Madrid, so once again,
> > the CCTV videos could not record passengers carrying bombs because
> > there were none. What to do?
> > 
> > If they followed the Madrid plan they would once again have to
> > suppress the videos.
> > 
> > Why do they need videos?
> > 
> > They need videos to show “proof” of Muslim suicide
> > bombers. Creating terror to blame on Muslims is the whole point. They
> > could have used the same technique to blow the trains as they did in
> > Madrid, but as they learned in Madrid, Muslims were not the first and
> > only suspects. When you have more than one suspect it means
> > investigation. Investigation is what you want to avoid.
> > 
> > They could not trust to chance that even thousands of hours of London
> > Underground video would reveal a Muslim carrying a suspicious pack,
> > who had also conveniently disappeared in the blast – and
> > multiplied by three? No chance. What to do?
> > 
> > The initial idea was fairly simple: Get a video of four Muslims
> > carrying packs. Place them in London a short time before the bombing,
> > and then kill them all at the proper time.
> > “Placing” in London does not necessarily have to
> > be physical placement, just something that points to their having
> > been there.
> > 
> > Then it gets complicated and someone might have regretted going to
> > such trouble just to implicate Muslims quickly and surely, but on the
> > bright side there was a new opportunity presented in being able to
> > make a bomb factory connection in Leeds. But every new angle brings
> > with it new complexities.
> > 
> > So Efraim Halevi spoke too soon. His operatives are not done yet. They
> > run a great risk of exposing themselves and their operation as they
> > scurry about trying to tie up loose ends, concoct new lies, cover
> > their tracks, prevent real investigation, silence the media, and
> > suppress real evidence.
> > 
> > Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
> > 
> > The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
> > The best lack all conviction, while the worst
> > Are full of passionate intensity.
> > 
> > 

Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.133...)
2005-07-21 21:35
Re: flachi ...Ata..

La 2005-07-21 19:58:17, flachi a scris:

> "Ata, seful celor 19, a fost aratat pe multe posturi nationale in SUA
> cand se afla in holul aeroportului din Boston,"

De unde stii tu ca era holul aeroportului Boston si nu un studiou oarecare din Holywood sau din Astoria ? Si de unde stii tu ca ala pe care l-ai vazut era Atta si nu doar un actor ?

Golanul (...@sympatico.ca, IP: 192.75.80...)
2005-07-21 21:42
Zen - Aaa, deci e original, din mintea dtale? Inteleg, intzeleg, atunci trebuie sa fie adevarul adevarat! NDC

La 2005-07-21 21:11:47, Zen a scris:

> La 2005-07-21 19:56:04, Golanul a scris:
> > La 2005-07-21 19:16:50, Zen a scris:
> > 
> > > Enjoy:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > We see in the London bombing the Mossad and their assorted affiliates
> > > trying to correct a particular problem that occurred for them on 9/11
> > > and in Madrid. On 9/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos because
> > > there were no hijackers taped. On 3/11 they could not reveal the CCTV
> > > videos because there were no bomb carrying passengers taped.
> > > 
> > > The logistics of the London bombing, including the type of explosive,
> > > placement, timing, and detonation were like Madrid, so once again,
> > > the CCTV videos could not record passengers carrying bombs because
> > > there were none. What to do?
> > > 
> > > If they followed the Madrid plan they would once again have to
> > > suppress the videos.
> > > 
> > > Why do they need videos?
> > > 
> > > They need videos to show “proof” of Muslim suicide
> > > bombers. Creating terror to blame on Muslims is the whole point. They
> > > could have used the same technique to blow the trains as they did in
> > > Madrid, but as they learned in Madrid, Muslims were not the first and
> > > only suspects. When you have more than one suspect it means
> > > investigation. Investigation is what you want to avoid.
> > > 
> > > They could not trust to chance that even thousands of hours of London
> > > Underground video would reveal a Muslim carrying a suspicious pack,
> > > who had also conveniently disappeared in the blast – and
> > > multiplied by three? No chance. What to do?
> > > 
> > > The initial idea was fairly simple: Get a video of four Muslims
> > > carrying packs. Place them in London a short time before the bombing,
> > > and then kill them all at the proper time.
> > > “Placing” in London does not necessarily have to
> > > be physical placement, just something that points to their having
> > > been there.
> > > 
> > > Then it gets complicated and someone might have regretted going to
> > > such trouble just to implicate Muslims quickly and surely, but on the
> > > bright side there was a new opportunity presented in being able to
> > > make a bomb factory connection in Leeds. But every new angle brings
> > > with it new complexities.
> > > 
> > > So Efraim Halevi spoke too soon. His operatives are not done yet. They
> > > run a great risk of exposing themselves and their operation as they
> > > scurry about trying to tie up loose ends, concoct new lies, cover
> > > their tracks, prevent real investigation, silence the media, and
> > > suppress real evidence.
> > > 
> > > Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
> > > 
> > > The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
> > > The best lack all conviction, while the worst
> > > Are full of passionate intensity.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 

progitmo din NOT YOUR BUSINESS (...@yahoo.com, IP: 69.10.138...)
2005-07-21 22:02
Giuseppe, nu-i asa ca Elvis traieste? Re: flachi ...Ata..

Esti sigur ca traiesti in America si nu-i cumva doar o halucinatie provocata de cine stie ce injectii ce ti le administreaza medicii psihiatrii din Bucuresti?
E adevarat ca americanii n-au fost pe Luna?
Nu-i asa ca Elvis traieste si nu-i decat o conspiratie toata povestea cu moartea lui?

La 2005-07-21 21:35:35, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> La 2005-07-21 19:58:17, flachi a scris:
> > "Ata, seful celor 19, a fost aratat pe multe posturi nationale in SUA
> > cand se afla in holul aeroportului din Boston,"
> De unde stii tu ca era holul aeroportului Boston si nu un studiou
> oarecare din Holywood sau din Astoria ? Si de unde stii tu ca ala
> pe care l-ai vazut era Atta si nu doar un actor ?

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