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  Nr. 3380 de joi, 21 iulie 2005 
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Radu Dragan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 71.109.24...)
2005-07-21 06:21
Rahat cu apa rece, Livingston!

Ce se antampla daca la amenintarile astea teroriste vom raspunde
ca Regan la zidul rushinii la Berlin:
Daca vreun singur cetatean al lumii libere va fi ranit de pritivismul
fascismului-islamic MECCA va fi spulberata de pe fata pamantului!
Va pune asta pe ganduri teroristii si bogatii Arabiei Saudite care pompeaza bani in afacerile astea sangeroase?

flachi din RO, USA si ce s-o mai adauga la echipa HTTP://PEROMANESTE.COM (...@gmail.com, IP: 69.154.10...)
2005-07-21 06:52
Re: Rahat cu apa rece, Livingston!

Radule, pe timpul lui Reagan se stia mult mai bine cine era inamicul. Acum e mult mai greu sa-ti dai seama, mai ales cand vorbesti de cetateni nascuti/crescuti in occident.

Pe de alta parte, Mecca apartine fundamentalistilor in aceeasi masura in care apartine si celorlalti. Fara a cunoaste episodul la care faci referinta, nu cred totusi ca Reagan ar fi amenintat cu distrugerea Coloanei infinitului de la Tg. Jiu, a Ermitajului sau a vreunei biserici ortodoxe...

La 2005-07-21 06:21:26, Radu Dragan a scris:

> Ce se antampla daca la amenintarile astea teroriste vom raspunde
> ca Regan la zidul rushinii la Berlin:
> Daca vreun singur cetatean al lumii libere va fi ranit de pritivismul
> fascismului-islamic MECCA va fi spulberata de pe fata pamantului!
> Va pune asta pe ganduri teroristii si bogatii Arabiei Saudite care
> pompeaza bani in afacerile astea sangeroase?

flachi din RO, USA si ce s-o mai adauga la echipa HTTP://PEROMANESTE.COM (...@gmail.com, IP: 69.154.10...)
2005-07-21 07:05
Radule, locuiesti in statul Colorado?

La 2005-07-21 06:21:26, Radu Dragan a scris:

> Ce se antampla daca la amenintarile astea teroriste vom raspunde
> ca Regan la zidul rushinii la Berlin:
> Daca vreun singur cetatean al lumii libere va fi ranit de pritivismul
> fascismului-islamic MECCA va fi spulberata de pe fata pamantului!
> Va pune asta pe ganduri teroristii si bogatii Arabiei Saudite care
> pompeaza bani in afacerile astea sangeroase?

Congressman suggests way to retaliate for nuclear terror
Spokesman: Tancredo was speaking hypothetically

DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- A Colorado congressman told a radio show host that the U.S. could "take out" Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalist terrorists attacked the country with nuclear weapons.

Rep. Tom Tancredo made his remarks Friday on WFLA-AM in Orlando, Florida. His spokesman stressed he was only speaking hypothetically.

Talk show host Pat Campbell asked the Littleton Republican how the country should respond if terrorists struck several U.S. cities with nuclear weapons.

"Well, what if you said something like -- if this happens in the United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites," Tancredo answered.

"You're talking about bombing Mecca," Campbell said.

"Yeah," Tancredo responded.

The congressman later said he was "just throwing out some ideas" and that an "ultimate threat" might have to be met with an "ultimate response."

Spokesman Will Adams said Sunday the four-term congressman doesn't support threatening holy Islamic sites but that Tancredo was grappling with the hypothetical situation of a terrorist strike deadlier than the September 11, 2001, attacks.

"We have an enemy with no uniform, no state, who looks like you and me and only emerges right before an attack. How do we go after someone like that?" Adams said.

"What is near and dear to them? They're willing to sacrifice everything in this world for the next one. What is the pressure point that would deter them from their murderous impulses?" he said.

George-Felix (...@yahoo.com, IP: 132.195.96...)
2005-07-21 10:47
Re: Radule, locuiesti in statul Colorado?

La 2005-07-21 07:05:21, flachi a scris:

> La 2005-07-21 06:21:26, Radu Dragan a scris:

Flachi, m-am uitat pe mediafax si m-a distrat tare ce a ajuns acolo din declaratia "ipotetica" a lui Tancredo. Ia uite:

"Un congresman american a propus, in mai multe interventii in presa, bombardarea locurilor sfinte ale Islamului pentru a raspunde atacurilor teroriste, relateaza AFP."


> Congressman suggests way to retaliate for nuclear terror
> Spokesman: Tancredo was speaking hypothetically
> DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- A Colorado congressman told a radio show host
> that the U.S. could "take out" Islamic holy sites if Muslim
> fundamentalist terrorists attacked the country with nuclear weapons.
> Rep. Tom Tancredo made his remarks Friday on WFLA-AM in Orlando,
> Florida. His spokesman stressed he was only speaking hypothetically.
> Talk show host Pat Campbell asked the Littleton Republican how the
> country should respond if terrorists struck several U.S. cities with
> nuclear weapons.
> "Well, what if you said something like -- if this happens in the
> United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist,
> fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy
> sites," Tancredo answered.
> "You're talking about bombing Mecca," Campbell said.
> "Yeah," Tancredo responded.
> The congressman later said he was "just throwing out some
> ideas" and that an "ultimate threat" might have to be
> met with an "ultimate response."
> Spokesman Will Adams said Sunday the four-term congressman doesn't
> support threatening holy Islamic sites but that Tancredo was
> grappling with the hypothetical situation of a terrorist strike
> deadlier than the September 11, 2001, attacks.
> "We have an enemy with no uniform, no state, who looks like you
> and me and only emerges right before an attack. How do we go after
> someone like that?" Adams said.
> "What is near and dear to them? They're willing to sacrifice
> everything in this world for the next one. What is the pressure point
> that would deter them from their murderous impulses?" he said.

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 208.207.43...)
2005-07-21 15:17
Re: Radule, locuiesti in statul Colorado?

La 2005-07-21 10:47:22, George-Felix a scris:

> La 2005-07-21 07:05:21, flachi a scris:
> > La 2005-07-21 06:21:26, Radu Dragan a scris:
>  Flachi, m-am uitat pe mediafax si m-a distrat tare ce a ajuns
> acolo din declaratia "ipotetica" a lui Tancredo. Ia uite:
> "Un congresman american a propus, in mai multe interventii in
> presa, bombardarea locurilor sfinte ale Islamului pentru a raspunde
> atacurilor teroriste, relateaza AFP."
>  Felix

Cind va spun eu sa dati dracu media RO ca mijloc de informare, nu ma credeti!

Tineti-o numai ca motiv de bascalie si merge! 

Radu Dragan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 71.109.24...)
2005-07-21 17:19
Re: Radule, locuiesti in statul Colorado?

Locuiesc in Patagonia!
De aici lucrurile aunt mai clare, numai ca acum e cam iarna!

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