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  Nr. 4325 de luni, 1 septembrie 2008 
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Scarecrow for Traian Basescu
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu claimed last Saturday that he wanted Romania to get a European-like Constitution and he pleaded for a parliamentary republic as follows: "We must head a functional and positive pattern that allows for no slides and doesn't lead to permanent institutional conflicts effecting in standstills, splits and extreme options."
According to the PM, Romanian Presidency is not within the institutional frame and it is not under control.
PM Tariceanu also expressed regret that some outstanding intellectuals in Romania were supporting a "tough regime", which the Liberal official compared to the pre-war one.
Cristian Parvulescu, a political analyst, commented yesterday that the political system was little likely to change and he argued that the PM's words were just messages expressed right before the start of the electoral campaign. (D.C.)
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