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  Nr. 4325 de luni, 1 septembrie 2008 
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PNL and PSD leaders met in secret
According to sources from the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), a meeting was held late last week between the PSD and PNL (National Liberal Party) leaders, with the latter promising to give up the privatization processes scheduled to follow soon.
One PSD vice president mentions: "We asked them to stop the talks about the energy champion. The Liberals said they would no longer go for this idea. But their final decision is due in September 3."
When phoned, the PSD president Mircea Geoana denied the meeting, describing it as misinformation.
The "energy champion" is an apple of discord between the two political groups, as the PSD is opposing the plan to unify Hidroelectrica with the power plants in Rovinari and Turceni. (C.A.)
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