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  Nr. 4322 de joi, 28 august 2008 
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ECONOMY - In brief
Romanian economy may undergo considerable decline
A considerable decline of the economy growth is expected to follow in several European countries, Romania one of them, as claimed by several economists interviewed by the German Institute of Economic Research in Munich University.
Although the present state of things is satisfying, the prospects of some states in Central and Eastern Europe are getting darker, the research mentions. On the other hand, analysts claim that economy development is likely to consolidate in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, due to a favorable context.
Most of the analysts interviewed argue that the oil price will cause unbalance and lead to recession tendencies in global economy this year.
The authors estimate the inflation rate in Romania will undergo a 7% decrease in the third term of 2008, as compared to the 7, 2% rate in the second term.
Romania's economy minister Varujan Vosganian has recently argued that his country is faced with an economy growth as high as never before in this second term of 2008: almost 9%. According to the minister, the GDP growth reached 8, 6% in the first term of 2008. (A.E.)
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