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  Nr. 4322 de joi, 28 august 2008 
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Hungary supports Magyar minorities pursuing autonomy in Romania
Hungary's ambassador to Bucharest Fuzes Oszkar commented yesterday while in Sfantu Gheorghe, a locality in Romania, that there was no such thing as ideal situation for minorities. He argued that there was instead need of a political and social environment for neither the Romanian nor the Magyars in Romania to feel uneasy, mentioning this was achievable, as proved in several European states, where the political outcome of such an environment was autonomy.
According to the Hungarian diplomat, it was important that the mother tongue should be used from kindergarten to university, that freedom and identity should be protected so that no one would feel under constraint.
The official reminded that the President of Romania Traian Basescu had explained that Romanians feared the word "autonomy", although it was nothing to fear about. Fuzes added: "If the self-governing is powerful, then the self-governing of both the minority and the majority is very powerful."
When asked how exactly could Hungary support autonomy, the ambassador answered Hungary was supporting those Magyar minority organizations in Romania pursuing to gain autonomy peacefully and democratically, due to the understanding and agreement of the Romanians here. He pleaded as follows: "Autonomy is of several kinds: ethnic, cultural, local. The more kinds of autonomy a minority has got, the better they feel, the more they feel like home in the country they live in. The first thing Hungary does is help with the interpretation of such notions."
According to the official, Hungary housed just 10, 000 Romanians, inhabiting several regions. In the places where a few hundred of Romanians live, there they have got total self-governing, cultural autonomy and they may use their mother tongue everywhere, he claimed. "This is what we call help. It is a positive example, we can show how things are in our country", the ambassador insisted.
Fuzes Oszkar opined Hungary was Romania's best neighbor: "If we mention the political side, Romania is involved in several disputes with all its neighbors, except for Hungary. The latter state proved its interest in Romania's accession to the EU and we shall soon manage to connect the two states' infrastructures." He even described his country as a bridge for Romania to cross to reach the West and also as a way for Hungary to take to reach Asia or the Black Sea.
On the other hand, the ambassador highlighted that the economic dimension was the most important one to develop so that both states would progress.
Yesterday the Hungarian ambassador paid an official visit to Covasna, a Romanian district inhabited mainly by the Magyar community. And he took this opportunity to point that the cohabitation of the Romanians and the Magyars there was a positive example "for the whole Europe and the whole Romania." (Z.O.)
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