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  Nr. 4319 de luni, 25 august 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
CNSAS: Number of priests who collaborated with ex Securitate is "considerable"
The CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive in Romania) has warned that the number of priests who collaborated with the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) is "considerable", announcing that checks are still in progress with some cases.
The institution has so far checked on over 260 representatives of several religious cults, searching to disclose possible collaboration with the ex Securitate. The CNSAS decided that 6 priests did collaborate with this service of the former Communist regime.
Upon request from the NewsIn, the CNSAS informs that 89 members of the Romanian Orthodox Church were checked on: Holy Synod members, priests and two nuns. The institution also checked on 17 members of the Roman-Catholic clergy, 7 Greek-Catholic officials, 31 members of the Reformed Church and 4 members of the Evengelist Church. Over 40 persons affiliated to the Adventist and Baptist Cults were also checked. Other 73 Romanians the CNSAS looked into are affiliated to more religious organizations and cults admitted by the law. (...) (Z.O.)
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