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  Nr. 4319 de luni, 25 august 2008 
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Milut and Sarbu appointed presidents of Romanian Christian-Democrats
The domestic conflict in the PNTCD (National Christian-Democrat Party in Romania) culminated yesterday when two presidents were elected: Marian Milut and Radu Sarbu. The party officials in office summoned the National Committee for Coordination to meet in Sinaia, whereas the opponents of Marian Milut and Aurelian Pavalescu got together in an extraordinary congress held in Bucharest. The mutual vendetta over a party rated with only 1% made the two sides' representatives sack and expel each other, voicing inability recriminations. (...)
Marian Milut nailed to the wall
During the extraordinary congress in Bucharest, arranged by the PNTCD leaders dissatisfied with the rulers in power, it was decided that Marian Milut would be replaced by Radu Sarbu and a new National Committee of the party was elected. Outstanding Christian-Democrats like Ion Diaconescu, Gheorghe Ciuhandu, the Coposu sisters and Ion Caramitru attended the reunion.
Ion Diaconescu expressed his confidence that the party would revive and get the place it deserved on the stage of Romanian politics.
Gheorghe Ciuhandu argued that no objective set by leader Marian Milut had been attained, accusing that no one had taken responsibility for the tremendous failure in the latest elections: "Mr. Milut promised in front of the Congress that he would step back in case of failed objectives and organize a new congress after the Euro-elections. These things did not happen."
He informed that the number of adepts the party had in 2008 was half the one in 2004.
On the other hand, the PNTCD leader raged against the pact with the Liberals on the Christian-Democrats' participation in elections together with the National Liberal Party. He warned that, if not participating in the scrutiny, the group might lose status as EPP member or get dismembered.
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