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  Nr. 4314 de marti, 19 august 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Romanian legionary's story
Horatiu Potra is one of the 1, 500 Romanians who fought for the French Foreign Legion along the years. In his five years of serving France, he had 360 Romanians for comrades. Experience in battle and French citizenship are the only advantages one gets by working for the French Legion. Money is not one, since the wages can't reach more than 1, 000 Euro.
The training in the Foreign Legion years turned the ex soldier in Nicolae Ceausescu's troops into a feared mercenary. Caporal Horatiu Potra became a head of the bodyguards protecting the former emir of Quarter, upon the recommendation authored by the man who established the anti-terrorist troops in France.
After working for the Arab leader for four years and a half and earning 5, 000 Euro a month, the Romanian got to rule the presidential guards of the Central Africa Republic President. He trained the governmental troops and he was in charge of watching the diamond mines till seized by the rebels. After escaping prison, Horatiu Potra returned to Romania and one year later he established an association of the Romanians who worked for the Legion. 22 members are now affiliated to it. (...) (D.M.C.)
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