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  Nr. 4314 de marti, 19 august 2008 
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Mona Musca is free to run in elections
Emil Boc, a president of the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party), announced yesterday that he was not opposing the idea that Mona Musca might run as candidate representing the party in the district of Neamt. He said it just a few days after the PD-L vice president Cezar Preda had mentioned that his party would not appoint candidates who had collaborated with the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania).
Emil Boc said yesterday that the list of candidates in Neamt wasn't ready yet and it was to be validated by the PD-L Permanent Committee. "Personally, I think there is no obstacle and no reason to turn down her candidacy", he commented when asked about Mona Musca.
According to the PD-L official, Mona Musca should just try to express in public her desire to take the offer from Gheorghe Stefan, a head of the PD-L branch in Neamt. He commented that Mona Musca had already paid for the mistakes in her past, actually her collaboration with the Securitate. He opined: "I think she was wrong not to go all the way with her straightness. She has paid almost everything for her mistake, that of not admitting from the very first minute that she had done nothing wrong, in essence." (A.I.) (...)
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