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  Nr. 4313 de luni, 18 august 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Raspberry forbidden in paradise
A gypsy community lives like in the Middle Ages just 15 kilometers away from the tourism and real estate paradise on Prahova Valley, Romania.
Glod is a village displaying all the glamour of its poverty in Hollywood due to the Borat movie. The village is a real purgatory for the tourists heading Sinaia. The locals have lost their traditions and their boss. All of them forgot how to make spoons and pots a long time ago.
Before the war they used to come to the Royal Station to sell berries, raspberry and mushrooms to the boyars. Now they search the mountains to pick up stones for the houses the new boyars build themselves. But this way of making a living is jeopardized too. Nicolae Stanciu, the community's spiritual leader, complaints that forests have got to work like companies nowadays.
When it rains, the cottages made of clay collapse and the dead are carried on beds to the graveyard on the other bank of Ialomicioara, the village river. The villagers show no grudge when complaining about hardships and they utter no word about the Borat experience. Given the cheat that threw shame on the community, no man with some brains dares bring a camera when paying a visit. (...) (T.S.)
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