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  Nr. 4309 de miercuri, 13 august 2008 
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Anti-corruption demagogy
Political parties took yesterday's consultations in Cotroceni Paace, Bucharest, aimed at analyzing the European Commission's most recent report on the state of Romanian Justice, for an opportunity to make demagogical statements about support for the fight against corruption and the depoliticization of Justice. It is just that politicians' words aren't proved true by their parliamentary deeds. Today Romanian deputies are to decide on the opening of criminal inquiries against Adrian Nastase and Miron Mitrea.
The representatives of all parties boasted about working for a priority such as the cease of EU monitoring on Romanian Justice by July 2009. Mircea Geoana, a president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), opined that in order to attain such a goal the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) had to get a new head by September 1. He insinuated that the President of Romania Traian Basescu agreed to appoint a new prosecutor-in-chief soon. This is paradoxical, since he then added that the President had said nothing! (...)
Emil Boc, a leader of the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party), argued in his turn that his party was taking efforts so that the European Commission would stop monitoring Romanian Justice the following year, but he also underlined the Parliament's obligation to no longer be an obstacle in the way of progress for the judicial system in Romania, to stop shielding officials under criminal investigations and to pass no more normative documents to prevent inquiries. "We are pointing to the difference between words and facts", he mentioned. But he omitted to explain the absence of the PD-L senators in last Monday's meeting of the juridical committee, when Paul Pacuraru and Codrut Seres had been at stake. Because the Democrat-Liberals played truant, the voting was postponed.
Kelemen Hunor, a representative of the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) agreed with the other parties as far as the main priority was concerned. Still it is to be reminded that the group's senators didn't attend yesterday's meeting of the juridical committee, therefore the decision on Paul Pacuraru and Codrut Seres was postponed.
New promises
The Conservatives were reticent to the idea that charges should be pressed against some former ministers. Daniela Popa, a leader of the PC (Conservative Party), claimed the Conservative deputies would be waiting to see the report elaborated by the parliamentary subcommittee, a document ready some months before!
Both the PSD and the PC argued for the idea that national voices should provide European experts with no new issues.
Romania's interior minister Cristian David announced on behalf of the Liberals that his party would struggle to have charges pressed against Adrian Nastase and Miron Mitrea, but he added that the Liberal deputies' obligation to attend the session was uncertain. The minister announced as well that the government had an action plan ready to get Romania rid of EU monitoring, also arguing the fight against corruption was not to be politicized.
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