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  Nr. 4307 de luni, 11 august 2008 
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Tough week ahead for Daniel Morar
The mandate entrusted to Daniel Morar to rule the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) is up tomorrow and the idea that he should be given another one has split both politicians and civil society. Tomorrow the President of Romania Traian Basescu is to welcome the representatives of political parties to Cotroceni Palace in order to analyze the European Commission's latest report on the state of Romania Justice, including matters related to the DNA activity. And there is also the fact that Romanian deputies are to gather together next Wednesday to vote for or against the opening of criminal inquires against former ministers Adrian Nastase and Miron Mitrea.
Interpretations and misinterpretations
Daniel Morar's mandate has been causing some hot debate. According to President Basescu, the activity of the DNA and the Prosecutor's Office has been appreciated as efficient in the fight against corruption, one of the four Justice fields under monitoring. "The negative side concerns actions belonging to the Parliament and to politicians", the head of state emphasized.
Liberal deputy Horatiu Buzatu is on the opposite side, claiming that another head of the DNA could be the start of investigations against outstanding leaders of the Democrat-Liberal Party. According to the Liberal, the idea that the European Commission wishes Daniel Morar to continue to rule the DNA is misinterpretation. The deputy argues as follows: "It has been said the European Commission wants Daniel Morar to continue to head the DNA. Daniel Morar is mentioned nowhere in this report. His name is nowhere. There is mentioned the success of the DNA in general, the government's success in general and the government's inabilities and failures, just as there is talk about the flaws in the DNA. " (...)
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