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  Nr. 4305 de vineri, 8 august 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Defying salaries we pay for
The officials and managers of state institutions cash wages of thousand Euro a month. It is this much money that connects them to the politicians who appoint and protect them.
Daniela Lulache, the boss of the Property Fund, earns 17, 000 Euro a month, by exception from the law and in spite of results to account for such earnings. The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu released an ordinance to please this favorite of his, who is also a godmother of Cristian David, Romania's interior minister.
Teodor Atanasiu, a president of the Authority for State Assets Recovery in Romania, gets 13, 000 Euro a month. Gabriela Anghelache, a head of the National Securities Commission, earns 10, 000 a month. Both institutions pretend they are not on state budget, but they work on behalf of the Romanian state.
And one more example: the members of the committee in charge of the privatization of the CEC (National Savings Bank in Romania) were paid 435, 000 Euro, even if the bank wasn't sold any more. (...) (G.S.)
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