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  Nr. 4305 de vineri, 8 august 2008 
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The Economist: 5 fake arguments against Daniel Morar
Romania can't afford to let corruption jeopardize EU subventions and the economy growth and to replace Daniel Morar, the prosecutor heading the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department), would be a wrong step to take. This is an opinion expressed in a report published by The Economist online edition.
The mandate of Daniel Morar is up in August 12, the day for which the President of Romania Traian Basescu has summoned the parliamentary party to consultations in Cotroceni Palace. The European Commission's latest report on Romanian Justice is to be tackled. On August 13 Romanian deputies are to have an extraordinary session to vote for or against the pressing of charges against Adrian Nastase and MIron Mitrea.
The Economist comments that corruption is a hot issue in Romania right now, as the government is to decide whether to reload Daniel Morar's mandate or not. There is mentioned that his supporters take him for a brave fighter against high level corruption, whereas the opponents think he is an incompetent puppet pursuing political vendettas. The British publication is pointing to 5 fake arguments frequently used against the DNA head. The article was released just one day after some NGOs in Romania had demanded that a new head should be appointed to take over the DNA. Alina Mungiu Pippidi, a president of the Romanian Academic Society, has been critical of this initiative, claiming that behind this "improvised alliance" of NGOs there are "Emil Constantinescu's men", members of the Popular Action group. According to Alina Mungiu Pippidi, they make a pseudo civil society, that is they are NGOs established by politicians affiliated to political parties, working in luxurious premises coming from state authorities and getting donations from people investigated by the DNA, such as Conservative Dan Voiculescu.
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