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  Nr. 4303 de miercuri, 6 august 2008 
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Romania doesn't admit Kosovo passports
Romania does not admit passports released by the Kosovo authorities, which are valid only as proof of the holder's identity. The visa for entry to Romania is to be stamped on a separate sheet of paper to be attached to the document. The information comes from NewsIn Agency, which is citing the Romanian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Cosmin Boiangiu, a spokesman for the latter institution, explains: "As it does not recognize the independence of Kosovo, Romania can't make anything that would involve recognition of the Kosovo statehood by legitimizing the authorities who release such documents. For example, Romania can't put the visa or the entry/exit stamp on the passport."
Nevertheless, unlike other states that deny the independence of Kosovo and therefore the access of this region's inhabitants to their territories, Romanian authorities allow citizens with Kosovo passports to enter the country. The visa or the stamp is placed on a different sheet of paper. (...)
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