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  Nr. 4300 de sambata, 2 august 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Italy's interior minister wouldn't come to Romania
The Italian interior minister Roberto Maroni canceled his visit to Romania, after the President of Romania Traian Basescu and the Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi had announced the official would reach Bucharest the following week. The information is coming from diplomacy sources, the NewsIn claims.
According to sources, minister Maroni had informed Romanian officials about the change of his visit scheduled for Tuesday, August 5, but he did not give a reason why he canceled the event.
When returning from his visit to Italy last Thursday, the Romanian President announced he had invited the Italian interior ministry to pay a visit to our country, talk Romania's interior minister Cristian David and also analyze a document part of the new Italian legislation.
It is to be reminded that two weeks ago minister Maroni did not attend a seminar he had announced he would go to just one day before, which was a way to avoid the Romanian interior minister.
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