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  Nr. 4293 de vineri, 25 iulie 2008 
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National dignity under attack
When the investigations on the Fleet case were in full progress, focusing on a main topic such as Mr. Traian Basescu, the latter was getting ready to become the highest official in state. He was promising Romanians, in all his typical firmness, that he would give them back their dignity, after so much humiliation from whose who had ruled Romania. What has happened since this electoral promise up to now?
Traian Basescu asked journalists to do a careful reading of the Italian authorities' documents on the fingerprinting of the Roma in Italy. Journalists have done it and the conclusion is implacable: the one who hasn't read the document carefully or who wouldn't realize the meaning of the normative document authored by the Italian authorities is Traian Basescu. But, unlike journalists, he has got a lot of advisers paid from public funds, whose job is to help the head of state make no mistake.
The fingerprinting of the Roma group in Italy, most of them coming from Romania, but not of all the foreigners who enter Italy or live there temporarily, is a very severe act of racism. This is how we take it and the European Union authorities share the same perception. Apart from this, there is also the fact that Italy is offending Romania. A dignified nation ruled by representatives who protect its dignity must give a proper response, under normal circumstances. A verbal response is not enough, no matter how rough it should be. So the response coming from the highest Romanian officials, from the Romanian President, is stunning. Not only has Traian Basescu omitted to criticize the authors of this misdeed, but he has also tried to persuade the public opinion in his country that this new law is fair and legal. And he has offended the press in order to prevent a reply from it, advising that journalists should go read the text first. What he has insinuated is that journalists are just garrulous and they express opinions without getting informed first. So the Romanians are getting fingerprinted and, as if it weren't enough, those supposed to protect them are rebuking them.
Other comrades of Mr. Basescu's had a similar attitude, but with even more serious effects, a few days ago. In a documentary authored by an important European television showed Mrs. Monica Macovei, dear her, calling Romanian Justice and the Parliament names. It happened just a few days before the European Commission released the report on the present state of Romanian Justice. The ex minister described this power in state called Justice in very dark colors.
Suppose what she said is the naked truth. Suppose Romania is the paradise of corruption and organized crime and highest state officials are gloomy criminals. Even if this lady is no longer part of the political or administrative powers in Bucharest, she keeps on making comments as if she were entitled to. Her words matter abroad. And we know that this is not just about TV interviews. Mrs. Macovei is in the habit of expressing her ideas, insulting for Romania, on the Internet, on the websites of MEPs and other Brussels officials. Still what dear Monica does is keep on repeating like a parrot what she has heard uttered, numberless times, by her great protector, which is the head of state. Another official critical of Romania and claiming that prosecutors are not independent is Daniel Morar, head of the National Anti-Corruption Department. And his words matter too.
So the Romanian President has cheered the Rome officials for their racist attitude. Therefore, as far as our Justice is concerned, how could we expect a better report, since the trio described above is obstinately claiming that nothing is working?
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