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  Nr. 4291 de miercuri, 23 iulie 2008 
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Tomorrow's robot
He is sociable and satisfied with the local academic environment, too little willing to leave Romania for the West. He aspires to become a doctor, a businessman or, why not, an economist. The Romanian student looks determined to avoid a career such as public servant or politician, hopeful that the graduation of superior studies will guarantee more than 2, 000 RON a month.
While he thinks about getting his university graduation diploma or already enrolled in a BA program, the Romanian student part of the public or private superior education is very keen on socializing. According to a poll by the Governmental Strategy Agency in Romania, 91, 6% of high school graduates admitted to public faculties, 65, 4% after getting no private lessons, take their faculties for places where they can make friends. Private faculties favor the socializing too. On the other hand, 24% of students feel bored and those who fail to get accustomed to university life are less than 3%. Two thirds of them are satisfied with the quality of the courses and seminars they take. The youngsters admit they study more right before and most of them opine they spend too much time sitting on benches during lectures and seminars.
2, 000 RON a month
They prefer attending seminars (63, 5%) to listening to lectures (42, 7%). 84, 4% of public faculty students think they should get compulsory specializing practice while in faculty. 64, 4% of them don't work full time, for their time is dedicated to studying, at least theoretically. Only 22, 2% have got full time jobs. The percentage is greater with private faculty students.
Those state faculty students who have got jobs earn about 1, 400 RON a month on an average right now and they hope that after they graduate their income will reach more than 2, 000 RON a month. As for private university students, their expectations are the same.
Doctor or businessman
As far as their favorite professions are concerned, most public university students prefer some like doctor, businessman/ manager, economist or engineer.
Only 0, 5% would like to become mayors and vice mayors, 1,1% would go for public administration and 2, 7% would like to take up politics.
This opinion poll authored by the National Governmental Agency was released this month. 1, 201 public university students and 1, 202 private university students were interviewed for the research. The error rate is 2, 82%.
Anne Marie LUPASCU
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