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  Nr. 4289 de luni, 21 iulie 2008 
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Romania is a failure because of corruption
The European Commission’s report on the state of Romanian Justice is due in July 23. For now, the draft proves a rather critical approach, still mentioning that Romanian authorities have made “slow, but constant progress” in their efforts to reform the judicial system and fight corruption. The outcome is “modest” and the start is nevertheless “encouraging”. It is to be highlighted that this is not the final version of the document and changes may occur in the document to be released this Wednesday.
According to the BBC branch in Romania, the European Commission describes our country as a mixed picture, including legal foundations to counter corruption, but foundations still frail. The text right now elaborated in Brussels goes that decisions on corruption are still extremely politicized. Appreciation is expressed for the appointing of a new justice minister last February, for the efforts taken by the Ministry of Justice and the National Anti-Corruption Department in order to proceed to investigations in a number of cases against ministers and MPs, but there is mentioned that it is yet to be seen if Romania is successful in carrying them out.
Bucharest authorities are remarked for the making of the National Integrity Agency, although there is assumed that it is too early to make comments on the results. The report notices as well that the Superior Council of Magistracy has got the human and financial resources the institution needs to take the essential responsibilities in order to reform Justice. But there is emphasized that, despite the progress made with investigations, Romania has got little clear results in the fight against high level corruption, since court decisions continue to be too relenting and inconstant.
The Parliament of Romania is advised to proved unambiguous dedication to the fight against high level corruption and there is mentioned that laws, procedures and institutions must prove able to yield on long term. The European Commission can also notice the progress made with the countering of local corruption, still arguing that few measures have been taken in fields such as health and education, on which there are clear clues on endemic corruption.
Investigations against former officials must go on
The draft is critical of the Parliament’s politicization of corruption cases, as well as of the judicial system’s failure to reach verdicts in high level corruption cases, which has been diminishing the credibility of the law. This is why the EU officials are recommending the depoliticization of activities against corruption and a clear commitment to prove the will to eradicate high level corruption. There is argued that independent investigations against former ministers and MPs must go on in order to restore public trust in the efforts to fight corruption and in the respect for the law. The draft insists that the controversial amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code be done away with. According to European sources, the cooperation and control mechanism the European Commission settled on Romania is to continue until all difficulties are settled. (…)
Luciana POP 
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