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  Nr. 4281 de vineri, 11 iulie 2008 
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CNSAS asks Interior Ministry for more than 22, 000 records from the Communist archive
The representatives of CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) told us yesterday that they would ask the Romanian Interior Ministry for the documents they had received in the course of time from the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania). Moreover, they said they were willing to give a hand to get the documents faster, after the Ministry managed to catalogue the archive.
Given the latest difficulties emerging in the CNSAS, the institution announced us yesterday that the CNSAS president Ladislau Csendes got a vote of confidence from his colleagues, who argued there was no need to hold elections to elect a new president. And it was also yesterday that they launched the CNSAS Notebooks in an exhibition on breaks of human rights under the Communist regime. (...)
According to the CNSAS president, the institution's to priority right now is to get the records transferred from the Interior Ministry. Yesterday he said that unless the disputes between the two institutions were settled amiably, the matter could be taken up by the CSAT (Supreme Council for National Defense). He argued: "There is a CSAT decision reached in 2006, according to which all institutions in possession of archives are to hand them in to the CNSAS. Unless the Interior Ministry obeys the decision, we can address the CSAT to settle it. But I hope it will be settled amiably."
"Struggling to sack us"
By yesterday's exhibition the CNSAS representatives also wanted to deliver a message to prove the solidarity within. Ladislau Csendes said the members of the CNSAS board were together, despite the latest difficulties. Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu commented in his turn: "They have been struggling to sack us for six months now. The Constitutional Court made that decision under the political parties' influence and under the influence of those fearing they would be traced in the records we have. We are having a moral confrontation with Justice. The decision the honorable Justice will reach in the case of Rodica Stanoiu is very important." (...)
Cristian ANDREI 
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