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  Nr. 4281 de vineri, 11 iulie 2008 
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Italy asked to stop fingerprinting
The Parliament of Europe asked Italian authorities yesterday to quit the plan on the fingerprinting of the Roma, recommending a better integration of the Roma in Europe instead. The resolution adopted yesterday is also demanding Italian authorities not to use the fingerprints already taken and wait for the European Commission's report on the proposed measures or the use of them would be an act of discrimination.
The Parliament invoked the protection of children and of their fundamental rights, expressing opposition to the plan to treat them as if they had been criminals. The Council of Europe, several NGOs and religious communities have protested against the Italian government's plan.
According to the resolution, the best way to protect the rights of the Roma children is to guarantee equal access to education, homes and quality medical services by means of integration policies. Deputies are demanding the member states to counter the exploitation of children, regardless of their ethnic origin or nationality. They also asked that the children should be identified by ordinary, undiscriminating procedures in keeping with all legal norms. Member states are demanded to revise and abrogate the discriminating laws and policies. The European Commission and the Council of Europe are to monitor the use of treaties and directives on means to fight against discrimination and on the right to travel free, just as both institutions are to sanction any disobedience.
The MEPs expressed concern about the Italian administration's view, according to which the presence of Roma camps in the outskirts of the big cities was social emergency effecting on public order and security.
The document adopted yesterday expresses appreciation for the European Commission's initiative to create an anti-discrimination group made up of representatives from all the member states. The Commission asked that a competent parliamentary committee should join the initiative and be granted full access to the anti discrimination's group activity.
Bogdan GALCA 
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