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  Nr. 4278 de marti, 8 iulie 2008 
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1 senator and 2 deputies for 1, 7 million Romanians
2 deputies and 1 senator are going to represent the Romanian Diaspora in Europe, according to the decision made by the Electoral Code Committee.
The deputies in the committee estimate that there are 160, 000 Romanians with the right to vote living in Europe. The estimation is based on the number of those who voted in the 2007 referendum and in the Eurparliamentary elections, as well as on some statistics coming from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to Hotnews, the Committee admits the information may by inexact.
On the other hand, the representatives of the Romanians in Italy claim 1 senator and 2 deputies is far from enough, given the large number of the Romanians part of the Diaspora. According to Giancarlo Germani, a leader of the Party of Romanians in Italy, in the latter country there live over 1 million Romanians, so at least 800, 000 of them have got the right to vote.
There are some other statistics claiming that the number of Romanians in Europe is 1, 7 million. The law goes that, were they in their native country, they would be represented by 10 senators and 24 deputies.
Mihai Voicu, a head of the Electoral Code Committee, argues that it is irrelevant whether 100,000 or 1 million Romanians in the Diaspora go voting and he mentions it is not illegal for 1 deputy to represent more than 70,000 people.
Democrat-Liberal Valentin Iliescu is claiming that the information is not updated. Cristian Parvulescu, a president of the Pro Democracy Association who attended the committee talks, opines that 4 deputies and 2 senators would be enough. He has argued that the electoral process is progressing difficultly because the Romanians abroad may cast their ballots only in poll stations housed by consulates an embassies. He has added that the Committee members dismissed any dialogue about changing this. (R.I.P.)
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