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  Nr. 4277 de luni, 7 iulie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Mole in CNSAS
The protocol by which the records in the archive of the Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior Affairs were to reach the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) was hidden in a drawer for six months. In vain did the CNSAS wait to get the thousands of records from the ministry, including documents drawn by the Militia and the Passport Department.
The protocol was unveiled only after ZIUA asked to see it, thus learning that the document had been in the CNSAS Juridical Department, "waiting for the
courier to come from the interior ministry".
The CNSAS president Ladislau Csendes complained: "I think they are plotting against me inside the institution. I did sign it, but it was not me to see that it was sent."
The Ministry invoked the missing document in order to hold cases back, although the Supreme Council for National Defense decided in 2006 that all institutions in possession of Communist archives were to hand them in to the CNSAS. (...) (B.G.)
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