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  Nr. 4275 de vineri, 4 iulie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Gas price cheat
Romanian authorities have settled subventions for the big companies, but at citizens' costs. Iulian Iancu, a president of Romanian deputies' industry committee, provided the President of Romania Traian Basescu with a report on the way "the smart guys" in energy work.
A simple calculation shows that 20% of the gas costs for industrial companies is supported by home consumers. The latter pay $ 515/ 1,000 cube meters, whereas Lakshami Mittal, the world's fourth billionaire, pays just $ 350/ 1,000 cube meters.
The hyenas in energy take advantage of any price rising on the international market. They due it with help from the National Regulatory Agency in Energy, an institution under political control. The benefits go to companies such as Distrigaz Sud, E.ON Gaz, Transgaz, as well as to the big consumers such as ArcelorMittal, Doljchim, Azomures, Amonil Slobozia.
In order to lure the poor with a right to vote, the Tariceanu Cabinet has announced a few pence more for the social support. The funds coming from the budget get to citizens, but they give it back to certain companies via the gas producers and distributors, which may mean illegal state support for industry, given the EU norms. (...) (G.S.)
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