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  Nr. 4273 de miercuri, 2 iulie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Over 3 million foreigners visited Romania in 2008
3, 36 million foreigners visited Romania in the first five months of 2008, which is 35% more as compared to the number of foreign visitors last year. The information comes from the National Statistics Institute.
95, 1% of the visitors were Europeans, with 62, 5% of them coming from EU states, most often from Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany and Italy.
As for the number of Romanians traveling abroad this year, the customs points registered 4, 62 millions, about 23, 4% more than in the first five months of the previous year. 78, 9% of the Romanians who traveled abroad did it by car.
It is to be added that 35, 3% of the accommodation available for tourists was taken in May 2008 and tourists chose inns (46, 6%) and hotels 42, 5 %. (A.E.)
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