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  Nr. 4270 de sambata, 28 iunie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Ex minister Monica Macovei: MPs are accomplices to crimes
In her recent interview to Free Europe radio, Romania's ex justice minister Monica Macovei opines that Romanian deputies' decision on the criminal cases against Adrian Nastase and Miron Mitrea, a decision annulled anyway, was a plot authred mainly by the Social-Democrats and the Liberals.
According to the ex minister, the Romanian MPs are opposing the fight against corruption because they are trying to protect "the criminals in the political parties." "These MPs are accomplices to the crimes, so they wouldn't agree to the start of investigations."
And she argued it was normal for the EU officials to be worried about Romania, since they could see "this struggle to try and get away with criminal responsibility and charges". And she listed some failures in the anti-corruption test: "First of all, the High Court judges didn't work on the Adrian Nastase case for about a year. Another question: Why are these judges afraid to approach the cases? Secondly, the Constitutional Court is enlarging the ex ministers' immunity in a way that doesn't exist anywhere else. And thirdly, there is the Parliament now." (O.B.)
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