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  Nr. 4270 de sambata, 28 iunie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
European Federation of Journalists asks Romanian President not to promulgate new media law
The European Federation of Journalists is demanding the President of Romania Traian Basescu not to promulgate that legislative initiative in his country asking that the TV, radio and newspaper news should mean an equal number of positive and negative items. This is actually a reply to the solicitation coming from the MediaSind Union in Romania, which asked the European institution for a point of view.
According to Arne Konig, a president of the European Federation of Journalists, this law draft is obvious political involvement in journalists' editorial work, so President Basescu is being asked not to promulgate it.
The law draft that passed last Wednesday in the Romanian Parliament has reached the international press as well. According to Le monde, it is "a strange legislative initiative", and there is mentioned that the "Reporteres sans Frontiers" was both concerned ad amused when reading the news.
Gheorghe Funar, a member of the "Greater Romania" Party, one of the initiators, is still constant. "We can't put up with such instigation to civic disobedience and disrespect for the law", he has commented when hearing about the civil society's vehement opposition to the law he authors. But the president of his party, Corneliu Vadim Tudor, took distance from his opinion yesterday, describing the law as "ambiguous and flawed". (A.I.)
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