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  Nr. 4268 de joi, 26 iunie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
US ambassador notices fight against corruption slows down
The fight against corruption is slowing down at times when the Romanian government is busy with a lot of other things that divert the attention of both government and citizens. This is the opinion expressed in an interview to the HotNews. ro by Nicholas Taubman, the US ambassador to Bucharest.
The US official comments that the European Commission's report on Romania will warn about some things. And he adds he is aware that corruption is everywhere, not only in our country.
He also argues how important it is to make Justice efficient by achieving a set of specific laws.
According to ambassador Taubman, there will be US businessmen to come and invest in Romania, but they will stay if treated fairly and if convinced that rules are the same for everybody.
The US official mentions as well that the US is doing its best to help Romania get ready to join the Visa Waiver Program. (O.B.)
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