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  Nr. 4260 de marti, 17 iunie 2008 
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Conservatives join Social-Democrats in alliance again
Yesterday the Romanian Conservatives joined the 'victorious' Social-Democrats, announcing they won elections together. Although an alliance between the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PC (Conservative Party) hasn't been officially registered so far, the leaders of the two parties are hopeful the alliance will become official by July 11, when a common National Council is due and the leaders are to make their government offer. The parties chose their representatives to the Permanent Delegation of the future alliance, who is to validate the candidates to run in next autumn's relations. Mircea Geoana announced that the PSD-PD protocol would go on, even if some Social-Democrats had been skeptical even before the making of it. Conservative Dan Voiculescu admitted that he was displeased with his party's score.
The PSD president informed after the meeting with the PC delegation that they were working to make the protocol elements functional. In the meeting the PSD was represented by Ion Iliescu, Miron Mitrea, Adrian Nastase, Viorel Hrebenciuc, Cristian Diaconescu and Titus Corleatean. On the other and, there were Daniel Popa, Dan Voiculescu, Codrut Seres, Dan Ioan Popescu, Corneliu Ciontu and Bogdan Ciuca in the PC delegation. They are to be members of the Permanent Delegation of the PSD-PC Alliance. (...)
Local collaboration
Adrian Nastase, a head of the PSD departments, and Codrut Seres, a general secretary of the PC, are going to coordinate the two delegations, who are to meet every Wednesday and work on the governing program. The text is to be validated in July 11, when the new alliance is to hold a meeting of the National Council.
Until then the local branches are to proceed to talks on the vice presidents of the district councils and on the vice mayors as well. They are also going to work on the leadership over the local branches of the alliance. Parliamentary collaboration is to intensify too.
Mircea Geoana expressed his confidence in a victory of the alliance in the coming parliamentary and presidential elections. But Dan Voiculescu, the founder of the PC, put it bluntly that he was not satisfied with his party's score in the local elections.
Cristian ANDREI 
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