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  Nr. 4260 de marti, 17 iunie 2008 
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Vasile Blaga doesn't resign
Given the request of the Romanian President Traian Basescu and of the other leaders of the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party), the head of the latter party's Bucharest branch, that is Vasile Blaga, will not resign, although he had insisted that he would do it if failing to be elected a genera mayor of Bucharest.
The President of Romania and the PD-L officials asked Vasile Blaga not to resign, given his position and authority in the party. The leaders decided not to dismiss party officials, which would look bad from outside the party and also cause strain within.
While analyzing the election results and thinking about the parliamentary elections due next autumn together with the PD-L leaders, the head of state commented that Vasile Blaga's campaign had been inefficient because of the "Solutions, not talks" slogan, when competing against a candidate like Sorin Oprescu. The President would have liked a more aggressive campaign to persuade the traditional electorate of the right and attract more voters to. Secondly, they admitted, there was also the lack of eligible candidates able to appeal to citizens.
The President invoked the large coalition against the PD-L, as well as some press groups' hostility at Vasile Blaga, whom he nevertheless praised. Traian Basescu expressed wish that the head of the PD-L branch in Bucharest should coordinate the party's electoral campaign next autumn. And the leaders concluded that they should all take responsibility for the failure in Bucharest. Emil Boc, a president of the PD-L, mentioned: "There have been great expectations, but the PD-L has got a good score, although facing all the other political groups."
A final analysis of the results is due next week, when the National Permanent Committee is to tackle those party branches with a too poor score: Bihor, Constanta, Brasov and Dolj. (A.I.)
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