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  Nr. 4259 de luni, 16 iunie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Romanian rapes teenager in Italy
Italy is disturbed with another Romanian criminal, aged 26, arrested by the police in Udine after raping a 17-year old girl, according to RAINews 24. According to the latter TV channel in Italy, the girl asked the Romanian to see her home, which he took for an opportunity to harass her.
The victim's account was rather confuse, still it helped the Police identity the area where the aggression took place, close to a street called Conegliano. Cameras watching the street recorded the car belonging to the Romanian, later found at the home he was sharing with his brother and arrested. The aggressed underage is now in good health, except for bruises on her face, effecting while she was fighting with the aggressor.
It is to be reminded that late last October Romanian Romulus Mailes was reported to have raped and killed Italian woman Giovanna Reggiani, which opened a hot dispute in Italy and brought a decree facilitating the expulsion of EU citizens in the name of public security. The Romanian was charged and the lawsuit is due to open this month. Then in April 2008 Romanian Ioan Rus reportedly raped and stabbed a female student, 31, born in Lesotho, Rome. (...) (O.R.)
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