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  Nr. 4259 de luni, 16 iunie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Kiev takes over Romania's plan
The President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko wants to open trilateral dialogue between Kiev, Chishinau and Bucharest. Alexander Cealai, a chief deputy of the Presidential Administration in Kiev, announced it last Friday, actually taking over a proposal Bucharest diplomats had made some time ago.
The information has come at times when the Ukrainian President is getting ready for a visit to Chishinau this week. Official sources from Kiev say Viktor Yushchenko wants to settle the problems in bilateral relations, most of them related to the state border charting. According to Cealai, authorities are going to analyze the progress made with the plan to settle the Transdniester conflict, in relation to the "Yushchenko plan". The official claimed the Ukrainian President would proceed to meetings with representatives of all the states involved in the search of solutions to the conflict.
Kiev's diplomacy offensive in the region is now afresh given last Saturday's meeting in Odessa between foreign minister Vladimir Ograzko and Igor Smirnov, the separatist leader in Tyraspol. According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the latter has confirmed that the "Yushchenko plan" is on. (M.I.)
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