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  Nr. 4259 de luni, 16 iunie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Sorin Oprescu elected general mayor of Bucharest
Sorin Oorescu was elected a general mayor of Bucharest yesterday, according to the 9:00 p.m. exit polls. The independent candidate got 54, 3% of votes, thus defeating Vasile Blaga, his opponent representing the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party).
Liberal Andrei Chiliman is now a mayor of Bucharest District 1, due to 56, 8%. Bucharest District 4 is to be headed by Conservative Cristian Piedone (64,6%). District 5 continues in the hands of Social-Democrat Marian Vanghelie (57,1%). And Democrat-Liberal Cristian Poteras (56, 3%) was elected a mayor of District 6.
It is to be noticed that, according only 21, 46% of the Bucharest inhabitants left their homes to go to the poll stations yesterday. (...) (R.G.)
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