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  Nr. 4256 de joi, 12 iunie 2008 
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Wrath in Liberal camp
The rivalry between Bogdan Olteanu and Ludovic Orban is giving hard times to the PNL (National Liberal Party), the party now in power. Bogdan Olteanu, a president of the Chamber of Deputies, has recently said that the President of Romania Traian Basescu is trying to rebuild the "Truth and Justice" Alliance by leading the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) closer to a PNL headed by the leader of Bucharest Liberals. This hypothesis is the latest episode in this war between the Liberals' leaders. When asked to comment on it yesterday, Ludovic Orban replied: "A madman throws a stone and then 100 wise men go looking for it." The tense relations between the two Liberals come from Ludovic Orban's refusal to support independent candidate Sorin Oprescu in the second tour of the local elections in Bucharest.
"Neither Traian Basescu nor other leader of the PD-L has contacted me", Ludovic Orban, Romania's transport minister, claimed. He explained he had been at war with Traian Basescu and his allies for years.
Bogdan Olteanu's comments were criticized by the PNL vice presidents at good terms with Ludovic Orban. One such vice president argued: "These are tricks meant to discredit the image of Ludovic Orban. It's poisoned arrows. All that Bogdan Olteanu is doing is try to find support in the party. The president of the Chamber of Deputies knows it very well that the moment Calin Popescu Tariceanu ceases to be a head of the PNL, he will mean absolutely nothing in the party."
Sources say Bogdan Olteanu's future in the party doesn't look bright, as the PNL is likely to lose power and Calin Popescu Tariceanu may no longer head the party. Sources conclude: "Suppose Ludovic Orban and Crin Antonescu are the future presidents of the PNL. Then Bogdan Olteanu is already in serious trouble."
"Hit the fallen one" as strategy
Bogdan Olteanu has launched his allegations about the remaking of the "Truth and Justice" Alliance at times when there are decisions of the PNL central leaders according to which the presidents of the local party branches whose local election scores are lower than the average must resign. Another PNL vice president comments: "An attack against Orban can succeed only at times when he is not enjoying good results. And this is such a time."
The PNL is due to hold a Permanent Delegation meeting in June 23, when Bogdan Olteanu may fire against Ludovic Orban again. (...)
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