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  Nr. 4254 de marti, 10 iunie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Swiss cheat
Hand in hand with the Romanian Ministry of Defense, MOWAG Company is getting ready to cheat on the Romanian budget with 1 billion Euro. The affair consists in the plan that the Ministry should buy 600 Swiss PIRANHA blinded transporters to replace the old TABs by 2025. The first 60 million Euro are already on the way to the Swiss bank accounts.
The problem is not the kind of device the Ministry wants to buy, but the way the Ministry has settled the purchase: to buy the blinded transporters piece by piece. The pieces are assembled in Romania, just like the pieces of a puzzle. The reception tests on 10 of the 31 devices bought has unveiled the following: radiations more than admitted in the turret cables, flaws in the precision of strikes and more.
These are the blinded carriers the Romanian soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan will be supposed to use in battle. The difficulties have mounted because the Ministry wanted to use some out of date Israeli turrets, meant for a different device, instead of the genuine turrets. The Israeli ones are still in store, due to an overpriced contract with a company in Israel. The damage caused is $ 37 million to be covered for.
And not last it is to be noticed that the swiss company won the bid over the 1 billion Euro contract in an auction with one single bidding company: the MOWAG. (...) (D.D.)
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