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  Nr. 4254 de marti, 10 iunie 2008 
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Will it be Vasile Blaga or Sorin Oprescu?
The answer to this question may effect significantly on the relations between the political forces this year and also on the lives of Bucharest inhabitants. Can we already guess who will win and be elected a general mayor of Bucharest? If we have got enough arguments for an estimation, we shouldn't avoid taking this risk.
If Vasile Blaga wins, the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) is sure to consolidate a lot and stand most chances in the parliamentary elections due next autumn. Bucharest means a huge mass of electors in Romania. Shortly after winning Bucharest, the representative of any political party will be e beneficiary of fondness double the one at the time of victory. This is the effect of any elections. The winner takes it all in the beginning. And there are only a few months left till the parliamentary elections. There is also the fact that, as compared to his political adversaries, the one who holds local power has got huge means of political action. And there are two more benefits. The access to European and budget funds, greater than ever in Romania's history, which can bestow even greater power on the one who plays, after all, the first violin in the money direction operation. The second benefit is the possibility to hide the crimes committed by the Bucharest City Hall under the two most recent mayors. If Sorin Oprescu is the winner, there may come out embarrassing information about Adriean Videanu and Traian Basescu and do the PD-L severe harm in the autumn campaign, just as it may harm the President in next year's elections. Sorin Oprescu has promised not to consider the interests of various business groups right behind him or behind parties and to give public contracts to those who deserve them. If so, this serves citizens. But apart from Sorin Oprescu's promise, there is no guarantee that he too won't grow greedy. If Vasile Blaga is a liar when promising to be different from his predecesors in the PD (Democrat Party), then not only him, but the party too could be harmed, even if after four years. And who will the winner be? Sorin Oprescu or Vasile Blaga?
I already said something denied by the score of the first scrutiny. When Sorin Oprescu decided to join the race on his own, I said that Cristian Diaconescu, the Social-Democrat candidate, would be the most harmed. I was right in this point. But I was wrong to claim that Sorin Oprescu woul fail to get a score large enough for him to make it to the final. But he got such a score. The truth is that I relied on the fact that there would be more Bucharest inhabitants to go voting. I didn't expect only 35%. I was neither expecting such a poor conduct of the political candidates. Both Ludovic Orban and Cristian Diaconescu behaved as if all they had wanted was dignified losers and that was all. Starting from the assumption that two political candidates would make it to the final, I was convinced that Vasile Blaga would lose in the end, for the electors of the anti-Basescu parties would stick together. And we have now got a political candidate competing against an independent candidate.
Given these, I am now considering a possibility such as even less electors going voting next Sunday, less than 30%. If so, Vasile Blaga is standing most odds, not Sorin Oprescu. If there are few electors to vote next Sunday, the PD-L will manage to persuade their loyal adepts into doing it, whereas the other parties are no longer enough motivated to take efforts to defeat the presidential party's candidate. So I am betting on Vasile Blaga, without developing upon my own choice, for my choice is for none of the two. I just won't vote, which is one more chance for Vasile Blaga.
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