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  Nr. 4248 de marti, 3 iunie 2008 
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Ion Iliescu initiates the second crusade against Traian Basescu
"A front against the right!" This is what Mircea Geoana cried out, while giving Ion Iliescu a blink, as token of his complicity. Mircea Geoana's most important 'skill' is that he changes faster that the bank credit interest. Hardly had the exit polls turned into tabels on the small screens when the leader of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) was already dumping Cristian Diaconescu to hug Sorin Oprescu instead. There was such a short way to go from an opinion as insolent as "the mafia groups have turned the doctor into an attendant", uttered right in Ion Iliescu's ears a week ago, to the humble smile displayed last Sunday evening!
But this is not about Mircea Geoana's moral endowment, for he hasn't got any! This is of interest to me just because to the boss who wants to save himself and his boss seat it doesn't occur that he should oppose the idea to join Sorin Oprescu's side or to allow the doctor to return to the PSD cradle. On the contrary, in order to be more convincing, this Uriah Heep of Bucharest is assigning himself to head the crusade. So Ion Iliescu's predictable move has caused no shock: the candidate dressed in an independent gown has been recuperated. PSD, these three letters, are now nicely enbroidered in red threat on his cap. On the pocket right on his heart there lies written in smaller letters something that must not get lost: Ion Iliescu.
Sorin Oprescu's swift comeback to the PSD line is astonishing!The man who liked to be called "the doctor" had just polished his halo, covered by dust because of two defeats he had suffered under Ion Iliescu's auspices, by choosing to run as independent candidate. The "doomed in the party", the "victim of the villainous system" the "man martyrized by Justice", the man appealing to toddlers looked like an alternative. After Traian Basescu's failures, Adrian Videanu's mock and Vasile Blaga's plain candidacy, this orange Bucharest inhabitant was coloured enough to make more shades, more exotic ones, attracting. Sorin Oprescu the independent, a man who makes pronunciation mistakes, a popular man with a swift tongue was just good to stir nostalgia for that gone ideal called Traian Basescu, the one who haunted the electoral dreams of a considerable number of Bucharest inhabitants some 2-3 mandates ago.
It is just that Bucharest's disappointment with Traian Basescu is not that great yet to make the city give Ion Iliescu a hug. On the contrary, the latter politician will be more of a pain in any candidate's neck, no matter how nice he can be. June 13-15 are approaching and we shall hear on TV a voice telling "Dear coal miners, I am addressing you this time to express my thanks for your response, for your solidarity as labourers, under the guidance of Mr. Cozma, who will come to the University Square, which we want you to occupy again. As you have seen, this time we are facing purely fascist elements. They are organized groups of instigated elements, many of them on drugs..." Sorin Oprescu will find it rather difficult to comment on. Then why such hurry to restore the Iliescu origin so overtly?
The old political profiteer has been fast at planning: had he remained reticent to Sorin Oprescu, the latter would have still attacked. 18 years of involvement in the PSD, together with the guru with his hands still soaking with the red blood of the coup d'etat and the coal miners' attacks, can't just wipe away. 18 years spent together with Adrian Nastase, Viorel Hrebenciuc, Miron Mitrea and Miki the Bribe (that is Serban Mihailescu) can but leave unforgettable memories. Before the second tour in the general Bucharest mayor elections, talks will be growing more and more political. Sorin Oprescu will have to put up with fighting against Vasile Blaga, for he will no longer manage to avoid it. As for Vasile Blaga, no matter how dislikable and awkward he should be, he has got an idea about what administration is. Still Sorin Oprescu is on an down trend, whereas Vasile Blaga's score is getting better. Something is to be done. Something is to be changed.
So the cautious and hesitating Ion Iliescu has now taken up the over competition, not against Vasile Blaga, but straight against the latter's protector. He has decided to arrange a coalition against Traian Basescu in Bucharest, taking the pattern provided by the great coalition that suspended the President. It is just that this one failed. The national referendum fetched him back to his throne while drums were beating. Then what odds is he standing? Is the capital city of Romania more hateful of Traian Basescu than the rest of the country? Or has the hatred of Traian Basescu driven Ion Iliescu so mad that he is now pushing Sorin Oprescu to a suicide adventure?
Read my attempt to make out what Ion Iliescu is actually after in tomorrow's editorial.
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