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  Nr. 4246 de sambata, 31 mai 2008 
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LATEST - in Brief
Romanian Embassy in Chishinau collapses
Diplomatic relations between Romania and the Moldovan Republic have surely weakened in the last years. And the building housing Romania's Embassy in Chishinau is no better. One of the walls separating the Romanian Embassy, close to a building site, collapsed last Friday morning and 70% of it is damaged for good, the NewsIn announces.
According to secretary Florin Lencu, no one was hurt and communication is safe. He explains: "There is nothing to worry about. It seems the company dug too deep under the wall, which is why it collapsed. It is to be rebuilt, given the agreement between the company and the Diplomatic Body Department in the Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is in charge of the building housing Romania's embassy in Chishinau." (N.M.)
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