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  Nr. 4246 de sambata, 31 mai 2008 
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1 of 3 teenagers took drugs
Drugs seem to be on the rise on the Romanian market, in Bucharest in particular. It grows even more shocking because of a recently completed poll: 35% of 1,000 high school and university students, aged between 14 and 21, say they took drugs at least once. If the tendency goes this way, 1 of 2 students will yield to the temptation by 2012 and Romania will get a rate of 50% occasional consumers aged between 14 and 21. This is the conclusion of this latest opinion poll by the Foundation for the Protection of Citizens against State Abuse.
One thing to worry about is the fact that the silence effect is present with 10-15%, meaning teenagers who wouldn't talk about it. According to the pollster, right now there are no main quarters in Bucharest where drug consume prevails. Consume is very spread in top high schools and industrial high schools, which proves the phenomenon is well organized and constant. The only difference is the quality of drugs: the more expensive and the purer ones are to be found in the well rated high schools of Romania's capital city.
The Foundation is expressing concern about the activity of Romania's anti-drug organizations: "Despite the budgets set, despite the notoriety of some networks and distributors, there is a small number of drug dealers caught and sentenced."
Friends, depression and ignorance
According to the poll, 32% of the youth asked about it say the main reason for drug consume is their friends, 21% mention depression and 15% say it is out of ignorance. 41% of the young Romanians admit they have got friends who take drug regularly.
It is to be mentioned that no less than 25% admit they feel tempted to take drugs, 44% say it doesn't seduce them and 31% claim they wouldn't do it.
There is also the fact that 40% think drugs are leisure, whereas 55% are opposing the idea. 32% are aware that easy drugs lead to addiction, whereas 57% claim the opposite.
When asked "Do you think drugs are sure to cause death?", 41% say they do, 42% claim they don't and 17% wouldn't answer.
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