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  Nr. 4246 de sambata, 31 mai 2008 
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Romanians to elect local representatives
18 million Romanians are to elect their mayors, local and district councilors and district council presidents this Sunday. The electors are to show an identity document (identity card or passport) when going to the poll station they are distributed to, depending on the address. Romanians can vote this Sunday from 7:00 a.m. till 9:00 p.m. The local election legislation can be accessed at www.beclocale2008.ro.
The June 1 scrutiny is the first time Romanians are electing local council presidents by direct scrutiny. The candidate who gains most votes is the winner. As for the election of mayors, there is to be a second election tour unless a candidate gets half plus one of ballots this Sunday, which is little likely.
It is also premier that in this Sunday's local elections there may vote those EU citizens who meet the legal conditions and live in Romania.
CNSAS: Most candidates are clean
Most candidates running in the local elections are clean, meaning they were not collaborators or agents of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania). The CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) decided it in last Thursday's meeting. On the other hand, during the same meeting the institution unveiled 14 agents of the ex Securitate and 4 ex Securitate officers are now for the court to handle.
The CNSAS decided to send to court the record of Catalin Dancu, a lawyer of Gigi Becali and a New Generation Party candidate running to become a mayor of Constanta. The CNSAS detected elements showing he had collaborated with the Securitate, sources from the institution mention. (...) (O.B., C.A.)
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