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  Nr. 4245 de vineri, 30 mai 2008 
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Moody's: Romania in danger area
Moody's Investors Service has included Romania, together with 10 other states in Central and East Europe, in the danger area, meaning these countries are faced with macroeconomic tensions of different intensity. The growing tensions have been more intense in Romania, Bulgaria, Iceland and the Baltic States, and less intense in the Chezh Republic and Poland, according to the Moody's report.
Analysts have detected 3 groups of states, depending on the potential impact of a rough "landing" on the country rating: low, moderate and high risk. Romania is included in the second category, together with Poland and Croatia.
The report argues these states may be facing medium or large growth of the public debt, espscially in cases of rough landing. Although authorities are expected to react, their efforts may have limited effects because of the shock's force, which would lead to doubts on the government's financial power on a long term. According to the Moody's analysts, the pressure to emerge on ratings may be limited so that some of the ratings will stay the same.
The report claims that in the next 12 months Romania's debts are to reach $ 5,1 billion. (...) (F.B.)
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