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  Nr. 4244 de joi, 29 mai 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Prince Radu to promote Romania in Spain
As special representative of the Romanian government, Prince Radu of Hohenzollern-Veringen is going to visit Spain this week in order to establish contacts between institutions and communities in Spanish and Romanian regions. He is to meet with represantatives of the local administration, businessmen, students, professors and members of the Romanian community in Zaragoza, Valencia, Alicante, Castellon and Gaudia.
As, the Prince himself mentions, his agenda focuses on four main points: local administration, education institutions, business and the Romanian community.
His visit is part of the "Regions' Europe Initiative", a project mirroring a Romanian project called "Romania's Cities". Efforts are meant to attract Spain's interest in the development of infrastructure, services, tourism, agriculture and economy in some regions of Romania. (...) (O.R.)
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