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  Nr. 4243 de miercuri, 28 mai 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Frigate cheat continues
The two frigates the ex Nastase Cabinet bought from Britain to leave the national budget without 144 million Euro are now reused by the Tariceanu Cabinet for an even worse affair. The government in power wants to invest 500 million Euro in these two luxury relics so that they would meet the NATO standards.
The BAE Systems, the British company who sold the two ships to Romania, had bought the frigates from the Royal Navy paying 248,000 Euro for both. The commission the intermediate company had got them was dozens of billion Euro.
According to the Court of Accounts, two new ships of the same category would have cost 640 million Euro and they could have been used 30 years. But the government has decided to give half a billion Euro so that the two frigates would sail 15 years.
The Tariceanu Cabinet has annulled the modernization contract signed by the previous Nastase Cabinet with BAE Systems and another bid is to follow. And even the BAE Systems is now standing a chance to get a new contract and continue the frigate nighmare from one government to the other. (...) (D.C.)
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