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  Nr. 4235 de luni, 19 mai 2008 
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'Stained' candidates run for leadership over district councils
The CGC (Coalition for Clean Governing) has identified 56 candidates running for leadership over district councils in Romania, although not meeting the integrity criteria. On this black list there are people like Social-Democrats Ilie Sarbu, Liviu Dragnea and Marian Oprisan, Liberals Victor Dobre and Oviu Silaghi, Democrat-Liberals Cristian Boureanu and Ionel Mantog.
According to the research, there seems to be a real shortage of clean candidates in districts such as Bacau, Gorj, Galati and Bihor, since almost all of those wishing to be elected presidents of the district councils are on this recently released list. The CGC members have recommanded that the electors in such districts should go for independent candidates or proceed to a more radical form of protest: not go voting at all.
On the other hand, the monitoring claims there are districts where no arguable candidates have been detected: Arad, Buzau, Covasna and Ilfov.
According to Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, a president of the Romanian Academic Society, the absence of some candidates from this black list doesn't necessary mean they are all right, but that evidence is lacking. She mentions 150 candidates were under monitoring, candidates from parties rated with more than 5% in terms of vote options.
The monitoring procedures used by the CGC rely on documentation by local journalists, press accusations, prosecutors' reports, statements on personal properties and interests. The integrity criteria refer to law breaks, incompatibility and false information in statements on personal properties and interests, collaboration with the ex Communist Secret Service in Romania, clientele-based promotion, lawsuits and sentences. Alina Mungiu-Pippidi says there are 9 candidates suspected of having collaborated with the ex Communist Secret Service, people right now checked on the National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive. (...)
List members threat
The politicians on this black list have vehemently denied the accusations they are subject to.
Liberal Ciprian Dobre claims he has never been asked about the information on himself and he says he gas got nothing to do with what is now written in the CGC report. Conservative Viorel Pupeza claims in his turn that he is not a political migrator: he changed just the party, but not his political orientation. Liberal Nicolae Popa is thinking about suing the CGC for harming his public image.
Social-Democrat Tiberiu Marc opines the fact that he worked for the ex Communist Secret Service is not a reason to rate him as a "problem-candidate". (...) (R.P., R.I.P.)
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