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  Nr. 4234 de sambata, 17 mai 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Bacali's third bag
The DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) opened a third case against Gigi Becali, charging him with bribery. Before the two attempts with the bag full of Euros he carried in Liverpool and with the suitcase full of dollars he fetched to Cluj, Romania, Gigi Becali had tried to place a bag of banknotes in the Romanian Ministry of Defense.
It happened in 1999, when he left 120 million ROL at the gate of the Air Force headquarters, claiming it was sponsorship for a monument to be erected to honor pilots, a bonus to that exchange of real estate between the owner of the Steaua soccer team an the minister of defense, made while Victor Babiuc was in power. The 120 million ROL reached a bank account, and then it got back to Gigi Becali with interest a few years later: 850 million RON.
The story came out because of an audit on the military and there is a written notification in the record. Those military representatives mentioned in the sponsorship contract don't admit the signatures are theirs. And it is to be noticed that the Romanian military is a public institution that may not get sponsored.
Prosecutors are now trying to charge the officers who placed the money in the bank account with bribery. And Gigi Becali comments as follows: "Whom did I bribe? The Defense Ministry? Then who is the charged? Becali and the Defense Ministry that took the bribe. So are we sending the ministry to jail? Can this be?" And he teaches prosecutors, threatening to sue them on EU legislation grounds. (...) (R.S.,G.T.)
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