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  Nr. 4230 de marti, 13 mai 2008 
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Ammunition against Basescu
President Traian Basescu's tough words against the opponents of Vasile Blaga, the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) candidate to run in the Bucharest general mayor election are new proof that the head of state is very aggressively involved in the electoral campaign, since he doesn't care about his unbiased status settled in the Constitution. A few days ago he assailed all the important political parties, except for the presidential one. And last Sunday, after going to a party in a pub with Vasile Blaga, the President attacked all the adversaries of the latter, acting like a true electoral agent, which means ammunition for the President's political enemies. This is why it is very likely that he should get suspended, for he will surely do it again. Suspension is one objective of the anti-Basescu side. I will return to a scenasrio such as suspension or even dismissal in editorials to follow. This can happen to the President after the parliamentary elections. I shall also be back with short-term prognosis on the possible winner to be elected a general mayor of Bucharest, the most important electoral territory in Romania.
But for the time being I feel the need to list some of the political estimations I made after Traian Basescu's victory. Sometimes there are people who, in the comments to my article they post on the forum of our daily, insinuate or even put it straight that my estimations proved fanciful. It is now time for me to prove such opinions are false and ill meaning. Right after the 2004 elections, I was the first to say that a party, several parties or a large group of MPs would certainly turn into a popular political group fond of the right, a group who would join the people's parties family in Europe. After raging against this idea, Traian Basescu himself initiated the metamorphosis of the PD (Democrat Party), from a Socialist party to a Christian-Democrat one. I was also the first to foresee the split of the "Truth and Justice" Alliance and the Democrats' way our of the government. And it so happened. When all the parties, except for the Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania, were mentioning the need for early elections, when the latter seemed imminent, I kept on saying that, since not held in the early 2005, early elections would be pointless and the MPs would oppose the idea under any circumstances. There were few to imagine that a minority Liberal government could make it till the end of 2008. But I would argue that the anti-Basescu political side will keep the Tariceanu Cabinet going till the mandate was over or even till the early 2009.
It was a shock to public opinion when I was the first to think about a possibility such as to suspend the President, but it happened. Just one week later it was I who opined the head of state would return to Cotroceni Palace, for the referendum against him would not be validated because there wouldn't be enough Romanians to go voting. When most analysts bet the Social-Democrats would manage to overthrow the government by parliamentary bill, I was here to claim the opposite. And the government survived.
I have very recently said the President will interfere at once in the this meek electoral campaign and he will do it aggressively. And he did. Unfortunately, my opinion that the uninominal vote will be implemented this year, not in 2012, like I said, was hasty. Unfortunately, the new voting mechanism will have positive effects, for parties lack the time to pass new strategies.
It is due to thorough knowledge of the Constitution and to rigorous calculation of chances that I am now arguing that the President may get suspended or he may resign right after the parliamentary elections. It is also the fact that I can see the President himself is making ammunition against Basescu.
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