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  Nr. 4223 de luni, 5 mai 2008 
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Naples mafia charges Roma from Romania
-- The Naples mafia charges the Romanian gypsies in Italy 50 Euro a month in order to allow them to live in barracks, among garbage and rats. The gypsies may beg and control the small, unauthorized wastes, on condition that they stay in the outskirts of Naples.
So the Roma community who lives in a Naples suburb has to pay 50 Euro a month to the Camorra, the Naples mafia. And the conditions are clear, according to La Republica. The Roma people may beg, steal from flats and have control over the small, illegal middens, provided that they stay in the outskirts.
The mafia clan dominating Ponticelli, a suburb in eastern Naples, charges the gypsies from Romania a feee for protection. According to Realitatea TV, there is no proper camp, but hundreds od barracks and very small lodging places, inhabited by about 1,500 people. Religious and volunteer associations have been taking efforts in the last years to send the gypsies' children to school, but the parents are against it. A committee made up of Naples locals signed petitions and talked to the local sanitary authorities about the life of the Roma community, but it has been fruitless so far. "We pay 50 Euro a month to stay here, park our cars and live in our tents. Leave us alone!"This is what the Roma told the volunteers and the citizens' committee. 22-year old Ania, a mother of 3 children, comments: "We mind our business and it is well for everybody." One inhabitant of Naples mentions: "At night we can see high flames. The Roma burn paperboard and plastic because they sell the copper they steal or take from barbage."
Garbage economy
According to La Republica, in a city about to get in real trouble because of the garbage, in a city with a resisting center, but with outskirts full of waste, the gypsies have established "garbage economy", with consent from the Camorra. Garbage is one most profitable business for the mafia in Naples. The more public finance is there to settle the garbage issue, the more the criminal gangs grab this finance. So the Camorra gains some by transporting garbage to the neighborhood or abroad, as well as by redirecting toxic trash towards illegal locations or simply on the open fields. Another way the mafia can get some money is the sale of store rooms and the regeneration of tainted fields. (B.C.G.)
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