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  Nr. 4218 de joi, 24 aprilie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Romania suffers from FSN scab
Almost 18 years after the coal miners' attacks in Bucharest in June 1990, Romania has failed to get rid of those who used violence to stop the democratic protests in the University Square, a response against the dictatorship of the FSN (Front for National Salvation). Those who ordered, participated or were involved in the murders committed in June 1990 are now in key positions in state institutions. Others held power in parliamentary, governmental, judicial or intelligence structures until recently and they have been beneficiaries of substantial business with the state, which has made them rich people all of a sudden.
Not even today have those guilty for the murders committed 18 years ago and for undermining Romania's interests paid for their crimes. The criminal cases have been kept locked by general Dan Voinea, the prosecutor who accused dictator Nicolae Ceausescu of genocide, obeying orders from Ion Iliescu. 37 military officials and former state officials are now charged in the case looking into the coal miners' attacks. On the list of officials who wouldn't give up power, not even after 18 years, there are officials such as Ion Iliescu, Theodor Stolojan, Adrian Nastase, Traian Basescu, Teodor Melescanu, Adriean Videanu, Vasile Blaga, Adrian Severin, Dan Mircea Popescu, Nicolae Vacaroiu, Petre Roman, Eugen Dijmarescu, Florin Georgescu, Daniel Daianu and Bogdan-Bujor Teodori. (...) (D.S.)
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