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  Nr. 4218 de joi, 24 aprilie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
European Commission won't sue Romania for car fee
The European Commision is not going to address the European Court of Justice against Romania, since the Romanian government has recently passed the new car fee law. Still the Commission may take some measures against Bucharest authorities, in case the system to return the money for the former car fee to Romanian citizens is very slow and complicated. Press officer Emer Traynor has announced it for NewIn. The official has also emphasized that the infringement procedure can be officially closed only once the new legislation is implemented.
As for the money to be returned to the Romanians who paid for the car fee, Traynor has mentioned there is no EU legislation on it and excessive charges are to be paid back in keeping with the national legislation. He has explained that in the EU there are settled only general principles. (...) (A.E.)
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